About US

Syracuse University’s Office of Veterans & Military Affairs (OVMA) is home to the Office of Veteran Success (OVS). The OVS serves to support the student experience by processing certifications of education benefits established by the VA. We are here to review benefit information, answer related questions, and ensure you can feel confident using your benefits to achieve your educational goals.

Where to Find US

We are located on the ground floor of the Daniel and Gayle D’Aniello building, home to National Veterans Resource Center in between the Student Veteran Lounge and the Student Veteran Study Room.

101 Waverly Ave, Suite 012, Syracuse, NY 13244

How to Contact Us

We can best be reached by using our office email, veterans@syr.edu, or by calling (315) 443-0358. 

Meet Your OVS Staff

The OVS operates with three School Certifying Officials dedicated to processing your VA Education Benefits and providing you with support and information relative to your education benefits throughout your time at Syracuse University. Additionally, the OVS includes a Director, Reconciliation Specialist, and Office Coordinator. Uniquely, the OVS also houses a VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) Counselor.